WaterHog is a state-of-the-art, low-profile, pneumatically powered zero-loss condensate drain trap ideal for compressed air systems upto 100 HP. Its unique design avoids small passages common on competitorproducts, ensuring clog-free operation. WaterHog is fully automatic, operatingwith no timer or manual settings. Because this pneumatic condensate drain is powered by compressed air, there is no need for electrical connections. WaterHogssleek, low-profile design also fits where competitor products may not. Check with your utility to see if WaterHog qualifies for energy-savingincentives!
÷ POWERS THROUGHCONDENSATE BUILDUP. Ideal for compressor applications up to 100 hp. TheWaterHog design avoids small passages common on competitor designs, ensuringclog-free operation.
÷ Fully AUTOMATICoperation. No timer or manual settings.
÷ NO ELECTRICALCONNECTIONS. WaterHog is powered by compressed air, avoiding the need forelectrical wiring and connections.
÷ ENERGY SAVING operation.Zero compressed air loss*. Check with your utility to see if it qualifies forenergy efficiency incentives. WaterHog pays for itself when replacing opencondensate drain valves or timer traps.
÷ LOW PROFILE. The 4.7vertical operating height allows WaterHog to fit where other larger unitscant.